Frequently Asked Questions

What is Parishes Online?

Parishes Online connects an online community of businesses, and the local congregations they support. Parishes Online publicizes the businesses in your area that support your local parish - these are community members that live in your area and fund the printing of your parish's bulletin. When you are making purchases or looking for services, wouldn't you feel better patronizing businesses that support your community? Parishes Online can help you do just that.

Every congregation who publishes with LPi has a listing page on Parishes Online, and so does every business that advertises with us. These listing pages are maintained by Parishes Online, but once you claim your listing, you can customize it to best serve your community.

How is Parishes Online useful to me as a consumer?

By publicizing the businesses in your area that support your local congregation, Parishes Online informs and empowers consumers to make educated decisions about the businesses they choose to visit. Many parishioners wish to show their appreciation by patronizing businesses that help to fund their parish bulletin. Since these businesses are community members that live in your area, many wish to support local small businesses with their consumer dollars.

How is Parishes Online useful to me as a business owner?

Parishes Online gives your business a presence online. Every business that advertises in one of our publications has a listing page on Parishes Online. When you claim your listing page, you are able to customize it to fit your needs.

Why can’t I find the business or church I’m looking for?

Search results are listed based on proximity to your location. If no results show up, it's possible your congregation doesn't print its publications with LPi, or the business you are searching for doesn't advertise in one of the publications we print.

How do I find my church?

You may search by entering the name of the church in the search bar and the city, state, and/or zip code where the church is located, or you can search for parishes using only the location field. If no parishes are available that fit your search parameters, you could adjust your search or search a different parish name.

How do I sign up to be notified when a new bulletin is posted?

Visit your church's listing page, scroll down to the Recent Publications  and select  Subscribe  and enter your name and e-mail address in the pop-up window. You will now be notified when a new publication is ready to be viewed.

Subscribe button

How do I find a business?

In the main navigation, select a category and enter a location for your search. Local businesses that support Catholic parishes will be returned. Additionally, businesses that support a specific parish are linked to that parish's listing page.

How did my business or  church get on  Parishes Online?

All customers of LPi automatically get a free listing page. Parishes Online provides more visibility for your church or business.

How do I claim my listing?

First, you'll need to create a user account on Parishes Online. This creates an identity unique to you. Part of this process is creating a login you'll use to access your listing in the future. You can't claim a listing if Parishes Online doesn't know who you are, so signing in is how Parishes Online remembers you. Click on the "Log in" button on the upper right corner of the screen and follow the on-screen instructions to create your login.

You won't need your login to use Parishes Online to search for your own or other churches and businesses, but you will need it to access your listing page and make changes.

Once you've logged in using your login information, follow these steps to claim your listing:

  1. Navigate to your listing page by searching your business or church name on
  2. When you arrive at your listing page: scroll down to the "Register as Parish Staff" button at the bottom of the page (pictured below), and follow the steps on screen. This action allows the owner of the listing to make changes to the main information on that page. As the listing owner, you can edit contact information, publications, office hours, and more.
    Register as Staff button
  3. You may need to wait up to 48 hours for LPi approval once you've followed the steps above. We must verify your e-mail address as being associated with your church name to ensure that a third party isn't attempting to take ownership of your page without the right to do so.

Once you've received approval, you can log in to your listing page and start adding information.

How can I edit the information on my listing?

Before you can edit your listing, you will need to claim your listing. Once your listing is claimed, log in to your account and find your listing page. Each section of your page is directly editable. Move your cursor over the section that needs to be changed, and click the button in the upper right corner of the section you would like to edit. Once changes are made and saved within each section, they are instantly updated on your listing.

I forgot my login information.

If you have already established your login information and need a reminder, click on the "Log In" button on the header. On the pop-up, click on the "Forgot your password?" link. Follow the steps on your screen to reset your password.

How do I post my bulletins or publications on Parishes Online?

If your bulletin is printed by LPi, it's automatically posted to your listing page once it has been printed.However, if you aren't an LPi bulletin customer or would like to post additional files, you can upload them manually.

Step 1:  Log into your account and visit your Parishes Online listing page.
Select  Manage Publications  found under the admin section:

Manage Publications button

Step 2:  Under the tab  Publications,  select  Add Publications

Add File button

Step 3:  Select  Choose File  to browse your computer and upload your desired pdf file or Drag and Drop your pdf file into the upload container. Enter additional information about your publication and schedule its display date. Then select  Add Publication. Your file will automatically show up in your Recent Publications list. Additionally, a thumbnail of the first page will display on the listing page.

How long will published bulletins stay on my Parishes Online listing?

Parishes Online currently posts the 12 most recent issues.

Can I make changes to bulletins that are already published online?

The publications posted to Parishes Online have already been printed and sent out. If changes need to be made for any reason, please contact our customer service department.

Can I get my bulletins to display on my church' s website?

Yes, you can display your bulletins on your own Web page by using the customizable Parishes Online widget.

The widget is a window on your website, placed where you choose, in which members can click on a cover image to open a digital version of your parishes' s bulletin and/or download a PDF version of your bulletin. Once it's installed, you don't need to do anything; your bulletin will appear in the widget automatically. In addition, your members can sign up to receive your bulletin automatically via e-mail, keeping them informed whether they're at Mass or not.

To install the Parishes Online widget, you'll first need to have claimed your listing page. If you haven't done so, directions can be found  here.

If you're already using the widget, you know what a useful tool it is in providing your members instant access to your bulletin or newsletter content right from your web page.

If the widget on your page has a blue header and a gray background, you're using the old widget and should update it to gain access to updated features.

Whether you're adding the widget for the first time or updating from old to new, these simple directions will help you add this tool to your site today:

Step 1: On your listing page, select  Add Bulletin to Your Website  found under the admin section:

Get Widget button

Step 2:  Select the correct verbiage for your widget. If you publish  bulletins  with LPi, select that option. If you publish and display other files on your parish' s page, you may elect to use  Publications.

Step 3:  A text box will display special HTML code you can use to embed the widget on your website. Select  Get Widget Code  to copy the HTML code in the text box.

Copy Widget Code button

If you manage your parish' s website, To embed the widget, find the Widget section of your website editor, select HTML and embed the code in the suggested space.

Unless you also manage and regularly make changes to your website, you’ll need to pass this code along to your webmaster, who will paste it into your website in the appropriate location and ensure the widget functions correctly.

This widget can be added to any Web page and will show the most recent printed publications. Just select a bulletin's thumbnail and it will open on Parishes Online.


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Contact us

For more help about our products, please don't hesitate to contact us today.